Monday, July 27, 2015

Non-Christian Camp Day #2: Jesus was born – you are not here by accident

Learning our first Bible verse
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11

On this day, our theme was the birth of Jesus, how growing up He was just like us. He played games, talked, laughed, sang, went to church and read the Bible. Even though Jesus grew up just like us, He was unique in the work that He did. Just like Jesus, we are all called to be unique in our life and to do Gods’ plan. We should strive to be different and not try to be like this world.

Throughout the whole day, we focused on how we can be unique in our life. In our service to the world and how we can make it a better place. The kids participated in decorating their dorm’s door to match the theme of the day and later each group would visit every group’s door and vote on which was their favorite. Of course the girls decorated their rooms the best therefore, group #3 and #5 won.

To better understand the theme of the day, the kids took boards and wrote out their names with glue then they covered the writing with different colored sands and sparkles to make their names unique and one of a kind.

After evening service, the mentors and helpers put on a skit for the kids all over the entire area of the camp. The skit was called “Walk through Bethlehem”, where each group of kids can experience the life in Jesus’ times when all the tribes were forced to take a journey to Bethlehem to register their families and pay taxes. The skit begins with Roman soldiers and a scribe, who walk into the tent and announce that every group needs to register and pay taxes. One by one, each group took turns making their way through each station on their way to Bethlehem. The kids encounter common people who give them directions and warn the group of roman soldiers on the way. Next, the kids are questioned by Roman soldiers, who scare the group. Following this, the kids meet the Sheppard’s and an Angel that proclaims Jesus’ birth. Then the walk continues through a bazaar were kids can buy items and food with their coins. After, the kid’s speak with King Harod, register and pay their tax. Next, the group comes to a hotel but there is no room so they have to walk away and find a different way. This is when they notice a bright light on the field and make their way to see what is there. The group finds Marie, Joseph and Jesus in a barn, so they fall to their knees and praise the one that God sent to save us.

This concludes Day #2 of camp


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