Thursday, August 6, 2015

Outside Evangelism in the Protestant populated town of Kopchak

July 23, 2015, we visited a church with our missionary group in a town where mostly Protestant people lived; overall, it was a grand experience. For we were told of an outside evangelical gathering that we were currently heading to, but as soon as we got there, our expectations were greeted with a different perspective.
This was a small church holding about 15-20 members, therefore we had to take out all the benches outside and lead service outside. Near the back of the church, we noticed a hurdle of stones and rock slabs so we asked the pastor (which had around 18 kids) what the hurdle of stones were all about. He told us about a project they were working on, a project to expand the walls of their building to fit more members. From hearing these words, we were heartfelt for their struggles and decided, upon having money donations, to give them a little financial help. The service was very blessed through the songs, sermons, and poems that we shared.
After the service, the members of that church invited us to a late snack for the road. In addition, while we ate, we socialized with their good fellow members and found them to be full of passion for God and welcoming to strangers and guests. May God bless them abundantly for the effort and the sacrifices that they had to make to accept us into their warm hands. 

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